Sourdough 101

Only 5 available

Sunday, December 1st

2-4 pm

Come learn the basics of Sourdough with Just Toledo! You will learn how to feed your starter and everything you need to know to bake your first loaf! You will also take home starter, freshly ground flour, recipes, and a loaf of bread!

Sold out or can’t make these dates? Email us at to join our waitlist!


Sunday, December 1st

2-4 pm

Come learn the basics of Sourdough with Just Toledo! You will learn how to feed your starter and everything you need to know to bake your first loaf! You will also take home starter, freshly ground flour, recipes, and a loaf of bread!

Sold out or can’t make these dates? Email us at to join our waitlist!

Sunday, December 1st

2-4 pm

Come learn the basics of Sourdough with Just Toledo! You will learn how to feed your starter and everything you need to know to bake your first loaf! You will also take home starter, freshly ground flour, recipes, and a loaf of bread!

Sold out or can’t make these dates? Email us at to join our waitlist!