Courtney Fillion (co-owner)

We have a joke in our family that I became invested in zero waste living because my friends and I toilet papered so many houses in our adolescence that I had a lot to make up for. This may be a little bit true; I do feel lousy about that. Thankfully, once you know better, you can do better. 

Toilet papering aside, I think my interest in the environment began with a 5th grade science project where I toured a local recycling plant. I remember being in awe of the process and the necessity for individuals and families to play a roll in the reduction of household waste. 

Years later, when I realized that recycling wasn’t as efficient as I’d once hoped and that the onus had been placed on individuals instead of corporations, my viewpoint  evolved. As a society, we have focused so much attention on recycling, we have forgotten the first two R’s— reduce and reuse. 

Aside from the environment, my interests are many. I am the mother of two children (one of whom is a silent partner in this endeavor) and the other is off to college next fall. I’ve been with my husband, Tom, for almost 13 years and he’s played a pivotal roll in the building of our business. From creating displays and helping out at markets, to brainstorming and managing our plumbing, none of this would be possible without him. When we aren’t working, the two of us love to travel, read, cook, spend time with friends and family, listen to music and ride our bikes around town.

It is my deepest held belief that all forms of activism have the ability to intersect around climate change. The affluent can use their resources to relocate when necessary, but those with limited means are left to suffer in a situation often created and perpetuated by greed and corruption. This is why we offer sliding scale prices and will work to find solutions for anyone who wants to attempt a zero waste life style. Everyone deserves clean products and a healthy planet. 

Anna Bennett (co-owner)

If you would have asked me two years ago what a Zero Waste Lifestyle was, I would’ve told you it sounded like a diet to get you back into your size zero jeans from high school. 

I did not grow up worried about where my trash went, how the products I used could be harmful to the waterways or how so much of what I threw in the recycling bin would not actually get recycled. It wasn’t until I was 27 and in my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, that I watched a powerful documentary about the environment on Youtube for an assignment, and I realized I’ve been ignoring a huge problem. I wanted to start making changes immediately, both in my personal life and with my small business making dog treats. I decided the Farmers Market was probably a good place to start and was instantly drawn to the Just Toledo table. Enter Courtney Fillion! After hearing Courtney explain her mission and how she operates I was instantly intrigued. We set up a time to meet and talk about ways we could partner in the future. I think we talked for 5 hours about anything and everything. Before I left, she gave me a sourdough starter and a couple recipe ideas and the rest is history! I officially became part of Just Toledo in January, 2023.

My love language is food and I have always had a passion for baking. Growing up with 3 siblings and a father who always traveled for work, all of us coming together for a meal was so special to me. My mom (and best friend) always encouraged me to get in the kitchen and create…just clean up after! My other interests include, yoga, reading, running, weightlifting, anything that involves being near the water, and spending time with my amazing and supportive husband, Derrick, and my two dogs, Ranger and Koda. 

I don’t know it all, and I am certainly not perfect, but we all have to start somewhere. I was so lucky to find someone willing to take the time to help me and I really hope to someday be that person for someone else!